people making a difference



marigold students


A group of students from Marigold Elementary School under the leadership of Jan Doney participated in the Water Walk with their African Drumming for our enjoyment. When I went to their classroom to thank them, Jan Doney's 6th grade class and friends had collected loose change for clean water.


mike and stacia van pelt


In lieu of giving wedding favors, Mike and Stacia gave a contribution to Bridging the Gap for the thirsty world.


the design team


The Design Team, Deb Sprague and Mollie, used their talents with generous  giving to completely redesign the Bridging The Gap Market. With new shelves and paint, the BTG Market was recreated to reflect the global variety of the handcrafts from around the world.


kids making a difference


Children at Bidwell Presbyterian's Vacation Bible Experience (VBX) decorated three hundred water buckets for next year's Water Walk. Over $1,000 has been raised this week (June 22nd-26th) for clean water projects and awareness. The boys and girls have been competing in teams to see who can raise the most money. I was able to share with the children the great need for clean water during their week at VBX.


clayton hazard


Clayton Hazard built an outhouse and Alyse painted it for the Water Walk on March 21, 2009. They also picked oranges that you will enjoy after the Water Walk.


lauren mesa


Lauren Mesa, a teacher from Chico Christian School, is one of the teachers that will be at the Water Walk with her students. Lauren and her students will have an educational station.


happy shoppers


Jennifer Harris (holding the blue ChicoBag) invited woman from her work to come shopping at the Bridging The Gap Market at Shirley's home. 100% of the funds from the purchased goods go towards sustainable water systems in developing countries. Call 342-5746 to arrange a time to go shopping.


amber sprague


What doesn't she do? Amber is usually seen modeling merchandise from the Bridging The Gap Market, helping with Farmers Market and keeping the Bridging The Gap market up and running. She will be creating a wall display to promote the Water Walk at the T.Bar.


matty lim


Matty Lim will be volunteering to run the sound system for the Water Walk. Matty attends Chico State and is the Worship Leader for The Edge. We've enjoyed numerous house building trips to Mexico with him.



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