completed projects
2009 year-end report
Bridging The Gap (BTG) has given a little over $250,500 in the past 4 years. This money has given safe water to 7,143 people in developing countries for life. Water is the foundation of every village, then comes the growing of crops, health, education, and micro enterprises. People begin to thrive instead of just surviving.
World Vision-$48,000, which includes dollar-for-dollar matched funds from a private donor
World Vision-$24,000, which includes dollar-for-dollar matched funds from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Seeds of Hope-$2,500
Project Mercy-$4,000
4th annual christmas boutique
A delightful time was had by all who attended. People enjoyed shopping while listening to a harpist playing by the fire on Friday, and the Alpacs greeting shoppers on Saturday morning. $4,405 was raised for safe water around the world.
Year-round shopping can be done by calling Shirley Adams at 530-342-5746.
annie b’s community drive 2009
Bridging The Gap received $13,110 in donations during the Annie B’s Community Drive. As a result of your giving, Annie B’s added a percentage grant of $918.00 to this amount. We want to thank North Valley Community Foundation for organizing this worthwhile event. Annie Bidwell's legacy impacts us daily not only in Chico but world wide. Thank you for supporting the need for clean water.
open house celebration
First, I want to thank the many people who came to Bridging The Gap's 3rd Annual Celebration. There is nothing better then to be surrounded by good people, enjoying great food, and knowing that a group of people can make a difference. For those of you who could not attend I want to share a little of the presentation.
Bridging The Gap (BTG) has raised $249,095 in the past three and half years. This money has given safe water to 7,117 people for life in developing countries. Water is the foundation of every village, followed by the growing of crops, health, education, and micro enterprises. People begin to thrive instead of just surviving.
Money is raised in various ways such as the Coast To Coast Ride, the spring Water Walk, speaking engagements, and sales from the BTG Market. Last year, $17,000 was raised from sales. A special thank you was given to the many donors and corporate sponsors. 100% of the money raised is used for safe water projects and much of the money is matched by the Conrad Hilton Foundation.
To close the evening, a $12,000 check was given to World Vision for the West Africa Water Initiative and $2,500 was given to Seeds of Hope for another water project.
water walk
Bridging The Gap is thrilled to announce that $24,000 was raised from the Water Walk!!!! A dollar-for-dollar match by a private donor will double Bridging The Gap's check, resulting in $48,000 dollars for World Vision's clean water systems in developing countries. Almost 400 people walked, raised money and awareness and learned about the great need for clean water.
The $48,000 will impact four villages in Zambia, Africa. It will lay the foundation for the villages to thrive by putting in four boreholes, sanitation systems and training in proper hygiene.